Start off the holiday season with great savings on stocking stuffers! We have a huge selection of inflatable pool toys to choose from that you can save up to 75% off. This great sale runs from now until November 20th at all our great locations.
Hurry in and stock up so next season at your pool opening you will have all the inflatables you need to have fun all summer!

Take $100 OFF Hot Tub Thermal Hard Covers
Hot Tub Season is nearly upon us. The cooler it gets the better it feels. We want to get you started, so we’re offering BIG savings!! Come into your nearest Sunny’s Pools and More location to speak with one of our experts and choose a new Hot Tub Thermal Hard Cover.
With your purchase get:
- FREE delivery of your new cover
- FREE delivery of your new cover
- $100 OFF the compare at price!
Come In For A FREE Computerized Water Test (A $10 Value)
Buy Two Brilliance Chemicals Get The Third Free!

Brilliance spas chemicals are a leader in the industry in quality and performance. They’re focus on excellence is apparent in every line they create. If you’ve never tried the Brilliance line of spa and hot tub chemicals, here is your chance.

FREE Tile and Vinyl Cleaner
$15 Value For FREE
With Your Next Water Test!
~Clean Your Pool’s Liner!~
Poolife® Tile Cleaner Rx is a superior formula for cleaning and descaling most vinyl liners, tile, fiberglass and concrete pools. Effectively removes dirt, oil & scale.
Please print and fill out the form and bring in to one of our locations that are located in Macomb, Livonia, Monroe, Flat Rock, or Waterford.
Offer good from 7/27/17 – 8/4/2017

Take 50% Off!
Org. 65.98
Only $32.99
poolife® AlgaePhos™ algaecide is a multi-action formula that prevents algae growth and reduces phosphate levels in your pool water.
Compatible with any type of pool sanitizer.
Please print and fill out the form and bring in to one of our locations that are located in Macomb, Livonia, Monroe, Flat Rock, or Waterford.
Offer good from 8/4/17 – 8/8/17

Hayward VL 210 Series Sand Filter System
Regular $619
On Sale For $399
Quiet, Easy, and Energy Efficient!
21″ Filter
- Large 21″ filter is designed for long lasting, all weather performance
- New high-efficiency underdrain provides flow of water during filtration and back washing
- Seven-position VariFlo valve provides maximum flow and low-pressure drop
1.5 HP Pump
- Incredibly quiet operation
- Performance matched to the filter for minimal energy consumption
- 115 Volt, 60hz
System Components
- System includes: two 1 1/2″ x 6′ length of hose, hose adapters, and hose clamps
- Deluxe one piece base
OFFER HAS ENDED, visit one of our great locations for more great offers!