Tips for Fall Pool Cleaning

Fall Pool Cleaning

With the temperatures dropping, people are pretty much done with their last-minute swimming fun before having to close down their pool. Even those that have built-in heaters are calling it a season. However, the trees are changing colors and starting to drop. Fall is in full swing. If you still have your pool open, you might need to do some extra cleaning before closing down your pool! Fortunately, Sunny’s has some pool cleaning tips ideal for the fall season!

Remove Leaves

The first thing you should do when cleaning your pool is to remove all the leaves and debris. Fallen leaves can severely clog your pool’s drains. This can lead to serious damage to the drains if they are not cleaned out. The sinking leaves can also stain the bottom of the pool and increase algae growth. That is why you should remove the leaves as soon as possible with a skimmer.

Clean Surrounding Pool Area

Although falling leaves cannot be prevented from entering the pool, you can make sure other debris is not blowing into the water by cleaning the pool area. If you have pool toys and items nearby, move them to a place where they won’t fall into the water. If you have surrounding trees and shrubs, trimming and maintaining them can prevent overgrowth and branches from entering the pool area.

Check Your Pool Cover

In addition to removing leaves and cleaning the pool area, you should thoroughly check over your pool cover. Leaves and especially branches can fall and collect on the cover. From this, you can get wear and even punctures over time. Furthermore, tree branches can get caught on the underside of the cover, leading to debris getting into the pool. So, check over and clean your pool cover completely before use.

Clean Filters and Check Chemicals

Due to leaves turning into solid mass once they are wet, it is necessary to clean out your filters regularly. This will make sure filters and pumps can function properly. While the need to use pool chemicals tends to decrease in the fall, the debris that enters your pool can change that. That means you should be checking and readjusting your pool chemicals. Make sure you have enough pool chemicals for regular cleaning and closing your pool!

Cleaning and Closing Supplies at Sunny’s

Whether you are keeping your pool open or closing it, you need proper cleaning supplies and chemicals to maintain your pool. At Sunny’s, you can have everything you need for your pool and more! In addition to having a wide range of pool and spa chemicals, we also have cleaning equipment to add to your tools like automatic cleaners. So, visit one of our locations or shop on our online store today!


Want to learn how to close your pool in four days? Click here!

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