Hot Tub Hard Covers and Lifters To Protect Your Hot Tub

Throughout Michigan, the fall and winter can be a little rough on your hot tub, especially if you have an outdoor one. To help prolong the life of your hot tub, you should install a thermal hard cover and a…

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Tips for Fall Pool Cleaning

With the temperatures dropping, people are pretty much done with their last-minute swimming fun before having to close down their pool. Even those that have built-in heaters are calling it a season. However, the trees are changing colors and starting…

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How to Clean Up Pool Incidents

Cleaning up after pool incidents can be a challenge. Even if you are trying to be safe around the pool. Let’s face it, in or out of the pool, accidents happen all the time. People can get hurt and have…

Posted In: pool chemicals, pool cleaning, Swimming Pool, Tips and Tricks

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Protect Your Skin from Sunburns

While hanging around the pool this summer, you should take measures to protect your skin from sunburns. When you are spending time outside, you are always at risk of sunburn. However, it seems like swimming always leads to burns. There…

Posted In: Swimming Pools, Tips and Tricks

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Time to Open Your Pool for the Season!

Are you ready to open your pool for the season? When the weather starts to warm up, people are eager to open their pools. Nothing is more relaxing than laying on a pool float and soaking in the sun. However,…

Posted In: pool chemicals, Poolife Product Line, Swimming Pool

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