*Revision note 2017: Viscount West is now Sunny’s Pools & More* Are you looking to replace or upgrade your current hot tub or spa? Looking to purchase your first spa or hot tub? Why not find yourself a spa that…
Posted In: hot tubs, Outdoor Hot Tub Spas, Spas
Tags: Dimension one hot tubs, Dimension One spas, hot tub financing, hot tub or spa, hot tubs michigan, swim spa
*Revision note 2017: Viscount West is now Sunny’s Pools & More* Viscount Pools West offers a wide array of hot tubs to choose from, great brands such as Emerald Spa and Great Lakes Spa. A hot tub is a great…
Posted In: Accessories, Hot Tub Covers, hot tubs
*Revision note 2017: Viscount West is now Sunny’s Pools & More* THIS PROMOTION HAS EXPIRED Viscount Monroe no longer has Billiards, refer to Waterford as clearance center for Tables. Black Friday always has great deals to be had, but why…
Posted In: Sales, Spa Chemicals, Spas
Tags: chemical, game table, sales, spa chemicals
The Poolife Water Maintenance is the Good Life At Sunny’s Pools Experience the good life with Sunny’s exclusive line of Poolife Water Maintenance products. The Poolife product line is used to control bacteria, algae, and fungi in swimming pools and spas.…
Posted In: Poolife Product Line, Tips and Tricks
Tags: pool Algaecides, pool balancers, pool care systems, pool maintenance, pool sanitizers, pool water shock, Poolife, poolife pool products, water maintenance products
The rise of illnesses from swimming in public pools are on the rise this summer. Sunny’s Pool wants you to protect yourself and your pool from parasites that can cause sickness. What are you swimming with in your pool and…
Posted In: Swimming Pool, Swimming Pools, Tips and Tricks, Water Maintenance, Water Testing
Tags: Flat Rock, Macomb, maintaining your pool, Monroe, Waterford